UU Church of Fresno2672 E Alluvial Ave
Fresno, CA 93720
United States
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Kristine HadeedWhat can we learn from the history of community organizing, and how do we adapt to meet modern challenges?
Join Central Valley IAF leaders and guests for a day of learning, relationship-building, and planning for effective action in the year ahead.
- WHEN: Saturday January 25, 2024 | 9:30 am to 4 pm
- WHERE: UU Church of Fresno | 2672 E Alluvial Ave
Lunch provided for those who RSVP by 1/23.
Please note that there is a required reading:
- Cold Anger, ch 7 [REQUIRED] - This chapter gives insight into the history, principles, and accomplishments of the modern IAF network, with a particular focus on the significance of the Relational 1:1 Meeting.
PROMPT FOR DISCUSSION: What stood out to you from the reading, and how does it relate to your personal experience?
Optional Readings - These provide background context for how our network thinks about social change, along with insights into the history of organizing in California and the Civil Rights movement that shaped our tradition:
Reveille for Radicals, ch 11 [Optional] - IAF founder Saul Alinsky describes his theory of what it will take for the promise of American democracy to survive the threat of oligarchy and despotism.
From Protest to Politics: The Future of the Civil Rights Movement [Optional] - Though not as well known as Dr. King, Bayard Rustin was a close friend and orchestrator of the March on Washington. He also helped shape Dr. King's philosophy of non-violence. This article outlines Rustin's view of how the Civil Rights movement must continue to evolve after the passing of the Civil Rights Act.
- America's Social Arsonist, ch 5 [Optional] - Fred Ross, Sr. was the first IAF organizer in California. This chapter explores examples of his organizing efforts here in the Central Valley, along with the creation of "house meetings" that he devised to identify issues and new leaders, including Cesar Chavez and Dolores Huerta.
¿Qué podemos aprender de la historia de la organización comunitaria y cómo nos adaptamos para enfrentar los desafíos modernos?
Únase a los líderes e invitados de la IAF del Valle Central en un día de aprendizaje, construcción de relaciones y planificación para acciones efectivas en el próximo año.
- CUÁNDO: Sábado 25 de enero de 2024 | 9:30 am a 4 pm
- DÓNDE: UU Church of Fresno | 2672 E Alluvial Ave
Almuerzo proporcionado para aquellos que confirmen su asistencia antes del 23 de enero.
Tenga en cuenta que hay una lectura obligatoria:
- Cold Anger, capítulo 7 [REQUERIDO] - Este capítulo brinda información sobre la historia, los principios y los logros de la red moderna de la IAF, con un enfoque particular en la importancia de la Reunión Relacional 1:1.
Lectura opcional: Proporcionan un contexto general sobre cómo nuestra red piensa sobre el cambio social, junto con información sobre la historia de la organización en California y el movimiento de derechos civiles que dio forma a nuestra tradición:
Posted by Central Valley IAF Sponsoring Committee on December 10, 2024
- El Despertar de los Radicales: capítulo 11 [Opcional] - El fundador de la IAF, Saul Alinsky, describe su teoría de lo que se necesitará para que la promesa de la democracia estadounidense sobreviva a la amenaza de la oligarquía y el despotismo.