Who Are We?

We're ordinary people working together for our common good

"Organizing is providing people with the opportunity to become aware of their own capabilities and potential."

Fred Ross Sr., California's first IAF organizer.


The Central Valley is a richly diverse region. Despite our wide-ranging ethnic, religious, cultural, and occupational differences, we have many needs in common—things like:

  • Clean water
  • A healthy environment and green spaces
  • Accessible housing
  • Quality education
  • Safe, reliable transportation
  • Well-paying jobs
  • Reliable infrastructure

We take on winnable issues that unite and empower our communities, rather than divide and demoralize them.

By building solidarity around our shared interests, we can make meaningful change for our families.


Our structure strengthens local democracy

The Central Valley IAF Sponsoring Committee is a developing broad-based organization made of dues-paying member institutions. We open membership to congregations, unions, professional associations, fraternities and sororities, schools, civic associations, community-based organizations, and other non-profits with a mission tied to human flourishing.

Through grassroots organizing in affiliation with the Industrial Areas Foundation (IAF)—which is the oldest and largest grassroots organizing network in the world—we are building a sustainable "people's organization" that can:

  1. Strengthen our member institutions by finding and training effective leaders

  2. Negotiate for the common interests of our members and Central Valley families

The IAF is a decentralized, nonpartisan, non-profit organization.



Want to learn more?

These articles by modern IAF pioneer Ernesto "Ernie" Cortes, jr. offer deeper insight into our model.

[ENGLISH] Toward a Democratic Culture


[SPANISH] Debemos Comprometernos A Re-Edificar Las Instituciones Para Tener Una Sociedad Decente




Get involved

To learn more about our local efforts and how you can participate, please reach out using the contact form below:



Stories & Highlights

Central Valley IAF Draws a Diverse Crowd of 300+ to Address Rural Resident Concerns

PHOTOS CREDIT: Janice Ledgerwood, faculty member of the State Center Federation of Teachers, AFT Local 1533

[FRESNO, Calif.] The Central Valley IAF Sponsoring Committee made a significant stride last week as over 300 people from across Fresno County gathered for a bilingual community assembly at St. Anthony Mary Claret Catholic Church—the largest action that local leaders have organized thus far.

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