Community Assembly - 1,000 Conversations

Thursday, October 17, 2024 at 06:00 PM
Community Assembly - 1,000 Conversations


St. Anthony Mary Claret Catholic Church
2494 S Chestnut Ave
Fresno, CA 93710
United States
Google map and directions

Event contact

Central Valley IAF

What have we learned from 100s of conversations?

Over the past 6 months, Central Valley IAF leaders have been learning about what's happening in their communities...

Through one-on-one conversations and small-group house meetings, local residents shared vulnerably about what's going on with them and their families. From those stories, relationships developed, new leaders emerged, and key themes surfaced.

RSVP for our Community Assembly to hear some of those stories...and steps we can take to address them together.

Sign-up for 5 p.m. Community Meal - If you would like to join us early at 5 p.m. for a community meal, please complete this form in addition to RSVPing so we have a headcount. Thank you to the State Center Federation of Teachers, AFT Local 1533 for sponsoring food.

The Industrial Areas Foundation (IAF) is the nation’s oldest and largest grassroots organizing network. Our mission is to strengthen communities and democracy through non-partisan civic leader development.


¿Qué hemos aprendido de cientos de conversaciones?

Durante los últimos 6 meses, los líderes de la IAF del Valle Central han estado aprendiendo sobre lo que está sucediendo en sus comunidades...

A través de conversaciones individuales y reuniones en casas de grupos pequeños, los residentes locales compartieron de manera vulnerable lo que les está sucediendo a ellos y a sus familias. A partir de esas historias, se desarrollaron relaciones, surgieron nuevos líderes y surgieron temas clave.

Confirme su asistencia a nuestra Asamblea Comunitaria para escuchar algunas de esas historias... y los pasos que podemos tomar para abordarlas juntos.

Regístrate a las 5 p.m. Comida comunitaria: Si desea unirse a nosotros temprano a las 5 p. m. Para una comida comunitaria, complete este formulario además de confirmar su asistencia para que tengamos un recuento. Gracias a la Federación de Maestros del Centro Estatal, AFT Local 1533 por patrocinar alimentos.

La Industrial Areas Foundation (IAF) es la red de organización de base más grande y antigua del país. Nuestra misión es fortalecer las comunidades y la democracia a través del desarrollo de líderes cívicos no partidistas.
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Posted by on August 21, 2024

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